Monday 4 July 2011

Panasonic VIERA TC-P42ST30 42-Inch 3D Plasma HDTV- Best 3D full HD 42" Plasma TV

Panasonic VIERA TC-P42ST30 42-Inch 1080p 3D Plasma HDTVOK, I thought when I hit the 200 hours will give me more of my impressions P42ST30. I highly recommend the method of preparation Nice panel D, which can be found online using Google. Even if you "accidentally" watched a couple of hours of content regularly, start now and look no further. I know that the goal is to get the aging of the pixels for the accuracy of the settings, but I think in this way also leads to more vibrant colors, with less bleeding.

I read all the threads on the forums Def Junkies brightness of broadband. Now I have a hard look at this television since I bought (this is my fourth number back 3 GT25) and I had not noticed a problem with the brightness while watching. However, after reading the thread, I decided to pay closer attention. To check if my TV is suffering the flow of light, I saw a movie I thought was an excellent test, Dark City on BD, cut the film.

All I can say is that I was very impressed with how this film managed my ST30. If anyone is familiar with it, you know that Dark City is shot almost entirely in this strange night / sunset in the background. There are tons of scenes with black ink backgrounds, lights and many shadows and contours. This TV actually passed with flying colors. In fact, I had more time to go look at the screen during a particularly dark scene with a good contrast in bright light and localized flows could not see the light, or light bleeding in the dark, etc. ..

Proven "track butterscotch" HD JPEG someone has posted a video on YouTube with its GT30 is obvious flicker, and the only thing I saw was a very brief clouding of blacks in the image and stable state. Watched the opening scenes of the launch of a knife, because someone has made a lot of light that streams the first 11 minutes ... nothing ... lights and shadows were rock.

Now, I thought, I met a very light version of this problem once while watching hockey network of digital broadcast 1080i. But I've seen in hockey, yesterday, on the same channel, and I realized what I saw was the interpretation of the flash unit of camera people in the stadium is close to the camera, but out of view, the addition of a Kind the effect of backlighting with their flash. Not once or alter the brightness of the color white ice.

In fact, the only thing that can produce that comes even close to being called this type of problem is if I have white screen with the method of preparation of the slide panel D Nice and ST30 to display the main menu. Then I see the white sun in a substantial way. But once again, only when you view the slides. Even now, I'm a newb and this is a non-calibrated, but I noticed the sign to change the way I broke in The ST30 seems to be particularly ... I do not know how to say ... Guide to the box. Colors seemed a bit and it seemed boring that television did not really know how to handle gradients, etc. .. but after 100 hours of preparation of the panel, I really noticed the pictures looked very sharp, bright colors ... and well defined, not they seemed to bleed more accurate fast action scenes have retained their color and soon passes through the pixels and then I really noticed a marked improvement in the human other 180 - 190  hours.

Let's see ... The only other problem is when I choose 48Hz when watching something with the BD player with 24p to see lights flashing on the screen. When I change 60hz, disappears. The buzz did not get high at all. And soft enough. Heck, it vibrates at the same frequency as the motor in my refrigerator as I know that everything could be caused by dirty electricity utilities. They operate at 60hz, so there must be no interference. However, I can hear the buzzing stop and sit within 6 feet of the TV and even then the other electric sounds in the house tends to suffocate. It does not change with different colors, but when I hear the whistle of a CRT television from any room in the house really does not bother me at all. Of all my emails on the TV is probably the quietest of the group.

As for the dead pixel / stuck I only have two. It goes on slides goes dark blue and dark red on slides. I can live with this, because the focus properly on all other colors. I was not able to watch any kind of native 3D content yet (waiting for my avatar BD), but 2D-3D is nice to see at first, but after a while '"is really important if there is a type graphics on the screen until you have a real depth perception. TV syncs easily with my Xpand active 3D glasses.

Oh yes, I have audio stuttering on Netflix, but only recently has started, so for now I take can be solved with a firmware update. In addition there is a big problem for me because we have the DMP-BDT210 Netflix and movies of your choice, but for some reason when I use it mainly for streaming movies. In conclusion, I know that the ST30 is the bottom line, the top model and I know that is far from perfect. But I really think this is the best value on the market for a 42" Full HD TV, 3D for less than $1000. I'm definitely a proud owner ST30.

Panasonic VIERA TC-P42ST30 Features

  • Full HD 3D

  • Infinite Black 2 Panel

  • VIERA Connect Wi-Fi Ready

  • VIERA Image Viewer H.264 with 3D Playback

Overall Customer Rating is 4.5/5

Panasonic VIERA TC-P42ST30 42-Inch 3D Plasma HDTV

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