Tuesday 24 May 2011

Samsung UN55C8000 great results convert any video game in 3D!

Breathtaking! Many new things here that is hard to know where to start. The picture quality is outstanding, but I do not think anyone would expect nothing less from a TV of this size, so I'm going to talk about everything 8,000,000: 1 contrast ratio! . Make sure to update v1.4 HDMI cables to get the 3D to work better, although I heard that works well with other versions of HDMI.

At first I thought the film from 2D to 3D feature was a little over-rated by some reviews I've read the others, but after playing with him for a while, I developed a new appreciation for I recommend it to watch Blu-Ray - planet Earth, the chapter on mountain ashtonishing The 3D was simply can not wrap my head around how the 3D TV Others can do this conversion on the fly, but I'm very excited by this technology. Before I saw "300" with 3D, and everything has been suspended until I have a headache. It also works with video games like PS3 and Xbox360 (keep in mind the 3D false and not as good as real, but some will appreciate a new way of playing and watching television). I thought that Halo on the Xbox 360 looked pretty impressive, until I saw how Gears of War 2 looks in 3D. It was hard to believe that 3D was false, and I do not think I ever played Gears of War without the 3D from now on. Be sure to configure 3D "10" for maximum 3-D effects. The amount of 3D pop-up can be adjusted on a scale of 1 to 10. Almost all 3D games is superb.

I do not know if this TV compatible with NVIDIA 3D technolgy, but if so, you may be able to play PC games in real 3D by connecting the computer! I'll update this when I know more. I have not tested the 3D real because I have not yet received the 3D player and the PS3 has not yet updated the firmware to play in real 3D. But I do this update after the test.

The downsides to this TV are as follows (I admit these are nitpicky complaints):
- Several people have complained that this set does not display 24p properly. I have tried to the best of my ability to verify this, however, with the effects turned off (or set on "clear"), the TV looks to me that it is displaying 24p just fine. Since I cannot find fault, I'm assuming most viewers are not going to notice anything so I cannot dock any stars in rating.
- the special features are hard to locate - good luck finding how to adjust settings on the 3D pop up level!

- the 240hz smoothing feature, when active, ends up making the picture look so smooth that action movies resemble home video movies (also described as Spanish Soap Opra effect). On the one hand it's great to have no flicker or choppiness, but it makes Hollywood movies look very low budget for some reason, despite all the new details that can be seen. The only kind of movies that look good with the full 240fps smoothing are computer animated movies like "UP", and documentaries like "Planet Earth". The smoothness really works well for movies like this, the mountain scenes felt like actually being there, and made me dizzy! I didn't have that effect when I had originally watched it in 24p a couple years back. In fact I remember thinking back then how nice the mountain scenes would have looked if not for all the "judder/choppiness" of 24p. For all other movies I keep the setting on "Clear" which brings back the cinematic 24p picture judder. As annoying as the choppiness is, it sure brings back the Hollywood Magic.
- The illuminated "SAMSUNG" logo that is directly under the TV picture is annoying since I like to watch movies at night, however, I later found out this can be turned off in the settings.
- The TV isn't as sturdy feeling as my previous flat screen. Because its so thin, it tends to wobble in its base if tapped, and it just gives me that uncomfortable "unsturdy" feeling. This is not a big deal though, I don't think it will fall and you can always choose to mount it to the wall.
- The flat remote control is cool to look at, but difficult to operate since you can't "feel" your way around the keys. However, you shouldn't have to use the remote much since most of us use the cable box remote anyways.

I finally tested against the film Monsters vs. Aliens 3D. 3D has been done before at speeds of more scenes of the film (even better than 3D cinema, but not better than IMAX 3D). The fact that this was the first 3D Blu-ray is not clear why there are occational this balance, in some scenes (double images). Although many critics have chosen to wait to complain, I see another point of view. There was just too perfect effect of 3D scenes in all types of environments for me to believe that the balance is inevitable. I think the occasional ghosting should be slipped under the door with the release of new lines Sumsung 3D TV. I do not think there will be problems with the removal of ghost to come, when more time to master 3D content. Color me impressed and happy to have made this purchase!

Buy this TV if you're really excited about 3D that I am, I do not think you'll be disappointed. Do not upgrade just for the picture quality. In recent years, the 240Hz models look just as good, and some critics have said for some years even better.



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